
Welding Raptor VRchat Avatar

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Welding Raptor VRchat Avatar

12 ratings

Start your own swarm intelligence as a Welding Raptor!

This includes an upload-ready Unity package, a Substance Painter project for easy repainting with your own colors and patterns and a quick-start guide.

It has a wiggling tail and antenna and fires a particle laser.

Only tested for VRchat and PC.

Quest compatibility (VRchat)

The Quest-version of this avatar is a decimated version of the PC Welding Raptor.

If you have created textures for the PC version they will MOSTLY carry over. There are some areas with significantly changed mesh structure that will distort existing PC textures (namely the back panel and the hinges on toes and feet), which may require some touchups.

The transparent eye cover has been removed, reducing the material slot count to 1.

Make sure to install WelraUnity.unitypackage before you install Welra_Quest_pack.unitypackage.

Included are three prefabs for Quest use:

  • Welra_Quest_Minimal
    Rating: Excellent
    Only the base avatar, without physbones or laser.
  • Welra_Quest
    Rating: Good
    Base avatar with physbones in tail and antenna.
  • Welra_Quest_Laser
    Rating: Poor
    Base avatar with physbones and laser effect.

You will additionally need:

Make sure to install these BEFORE importing the avatar.

You may not:

  • Use this avatar outside of NeosVR/Vrchat/ChilloutVr/Resonite or other similar social apps, unless I give my okay.
  • Use the contents commercially, unless for a unique reskin/commission for personal use.
  • Use the contents of this download for any NFT or cryptocurrency related activity.
  • Upload this avatar, edited or not, as public.
  • Use this avatar for defamatory or hateful purposes against individuals or groups.
  • Use this avatar for religious and political activities.

If you have questions or feedback, contact me on Telegram (@Synthocado) or Discord (Texumin).

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Welding Raptor VRchat Avatar

Quest ready
Full-Body compatible
Tri count (PC)
Tri count (Quest)
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